Friday, April 30, 2010

Today, I spent 20 minutes going to Dunkin's, half an hour editing my Pandora stations, an hour on MLIA, two hours on Reddit, and about three hours actually working. Maybe the end of my day will be a little more productive... MLIC

Friday, April 23, 2010

Today, I got the monitor mirror I ordered. Turns out it's not the one-inch stick-on mirror I thought it was; instead, it's a 6-inch clip-anywhere spy mirror. My neighbors are jealous. MLIC

Today, I noticed that my department's emergency laptop for on-call (overnight) tech support has a 15 minute battery life. I found this out when I needed to use it... MLIC

Today, I started growing an avocado pit in a Dunkin's cup, so I would have someone to talk to. MLIC

Today, I turned the keyboard from my old laptop into pushpins. MLIC
